ER to James Roosevelt

July 10th



Dearest Jimmy,

            A letter from Anna tells me are trying to get Rommie’s consent to go back into politics. Are you sure that you are enough out of debt to do that? You know if I were to die tho, I’m leaving a request to my trustees that you be not pressed—they might [illegible] feel you had to pay back over a definite period. For me of course you are my best investment but trustees are difficult and you must consider this!

            Certainly, Rommie sounds difficult beyond words and I’m glad you have Anna to help you.

            This is an interesting country. Everyone agreed vast changes have occurred in the past year and I do not feel the secret police though I know they exist, and a “bourgeois” is not in a comfortable position. This particular city is a mixture of races and cultures. The Turks were here 500 years then the Austrians, now there is a Yugoslavia but each Republic is jealous of its right. Everyone is a politician. I get asked about McCarthy and our freedom by a peasant!

            Haven’t yet got my letter of credit but hope it will reach me in Zagreb truthfully I don’t need it!

                                                All my love,
