Online Editions
The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project is committed to making Roosevelt's documentary record available online and free of charge, while maintaining the same high editorial standards as in our published editions. Our largest online editions, My Day, If You Ask Me and Roosevelt's radio and television transcripts, make comprehensive collections available for public use. The JFK mini-edition and the First Lady of the World, on the other hand, are smaller, carefully curated selections of documents. We have included other important documents, with no obvious fit within our other online editions, in miscellaneous documents.
Because these editions represent more than a decade of work and were completed under different editors and with different technologies, they are not uniform in editorial method, coding or presentation. In all cases, any deviations from our general editorial methods have been noted. Our radio and television project is ongoing, so we are regularly adding new transcriptions, as well as new information about Eleanor Roosevelt's media career.
The ERPP is moving toward a more standardized online publication format, and our 2016 move to this website is a step in that direction. Our transformation is not, however, complete. In the near future, we hope to be able to code all of our online documents in TEI 5, improve search functionality on the website and better index the materials available here, all while continuing to add new materials to the site. In the meantime, we hope you will pardon our dust, so to speak. Please also consider supporting ERPP in these efforts.
Browse Online Material
Eleanor Roosevelt, John Kennedy and the Election of 1960
A mini-edition of documents related to Eleanor Roosevelt's involvement in JFK's 1960 campaign.
If You Ask Me
A corpus edition of all of Roosevelt's monthly "If You Ask Me" columns, a question and answer column that ran between 1942 and 1962.
My Day
A corpus edition of all of Roosevelt's syndicated daily "My Day" columns, which ran between 1936 and 1962.
Radio and Television
A corpus edition, still under construction, of transcriptions and audio recordings of Eleanor Roosevelt's hosted radio and television programs.
First Lady of the World
A mini-edition documenting some of Roosevelt's travels around the world, including documents and photographs from each trip.
Audio Materials
An archive of audio recordings, which includes speeches, newscasts, radio programs and more ranging from 1933 to 1962.
Other important documents that the Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project has made available.