Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, October 25, 1942
Dearest Franklin,
The Prime Minister is pleased with the ham & honey.
Our stay at the Palace is over but I am to see them again before leaving.
Saw a lot of boys at the Red + Washington Club this a.m. The woman in the dispensary even said they came in with terrible blisters because their socks are too tight. All coming here should be issued wool socks. No heat is allowed till Nov. & most of them have colds. The boys are very upset over the mail situation, some have been here two months & not a line from home. Also their pay in many cases is very late—& they buy bonds & don't get them. Someone ought to get on top of this situation & while they are about it they might look into the question of how promptly the families are getting allotments.
The spirit seems good but of course I've only seen a few.
The spirit of the English people is something to bow down to. Bevin & Woolton? Dined with us at the Palace last night.
We came to Chequers today. Gen. & Mrs. Portal are here & Sir Anthony Eden & his wife. Tell Harry Robert was here looking well. Elliott too came to lunch & he spends tomorrow night in London with me. Winant insists on giving me his flat & moving upstairs, which is hard on him but grand for us. Tomorrow will be a long day, so good night.
Tommy bears up well & now finds staying with Kings quite ordinary!