Eleanor Roosevelt to Sidney Hillman, July 27, 1945
Dear Mr. Hillman:
I have given long and serious consideration to the very kind offer which you and the Board made to me.
Needless to say I am deeply interested in the possibilities on NCPAC, and in the program of work which I feel would not achieve its maximum influence if I became its chairman. I would bring additional difficulties and no great strength. As you went out the other night, I told you the things which I felt needed to be considered.
I think that if I speak for you and I am available for consultation unofficially at any time, when any of your workers feel I can be of use, I will be doing you more service than if I actually undertake to give you part of my time as your chairman. I have decided that if I became chairman instead of being helpful with the Democratic Party, it would alienate the Democratic Party and I think it is important to keep the Democratic Party close to both the CIO-PAC and the NC-PAC.
I shall not take the chairmanship or the presidency of any organization at present. I shall do what writing and radio work I can to forward the general ideas which seem to me to be emerging as the important ideas of this period when we hope to begin building peace.
I think I may do a considerable amount of travelling [sic] which is a further reason for not feeling it right at the present time to affiliate in any responsible administrative capacity with any organization.
With the deepest appreciation of the confidence which you and your board have shown me, and the hope that I may be of real value to you in the future, even though I am foregoing the honor of being your chairman, I am,
Very sincerely yours,